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Become a website designer!

When businesses want to get on the Internet, they often don\'t know where to start. Enter the website designer and developer. These are the Internet professionals who create attractive pages to be displayed on websites. Their employers are any business, educational or governmental entity that has or wants an online presence. Now that the World Wide Web has evolved into a true multimedia experience, the website designer creates graphic interfaces and develops the underlying software code. They must be aware of how information is to be presented to its intended audience and how readers will interact with the page. Typical duties include editing or adapting existing text for Web display; creating links that allow readers to explore and find related information; obtaining, sizing and placing graphics; and attracting new business with demonstrations for prospective clients. Though there is currently tremendous growth in Web usage, the demand for designers may stabilize, as more people are attracted to the field. However, the outlook remains good. For those who are creative, flexible and detail-oriented, this job offers a strong entry into the Internet services industry. You must have an artistic approach to work, good composition skills and the ability to work with a variety of tools and resources to create a unified whole. There are any number of education and training paths to this occupation. A good start would be a bachelor\'s degree in graphic arts with skills in writing and computer graphic design. However, a community college or art academy certificate in computer graphic design, programming or other computer-related fields is often all the formal training you need.

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